Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Word of the Week

Bust + Testicles = Busticles

(As in: That party was a bust, not in terms of ejaculation)

Monday, March 9, 2009

This Girl Thinks She's Going to Medical School

This conversation occurred after I told her only small asian girls could get admitted to medical school


you didnt see the new law that got passed?




well, since medical schools are so crowded


oh fuck you, youre being sarcastic


they are now only letting in small people




and males are too aggressive for most medical fields

i.e. pediatrician




and since asian people only eat rice, they dont have to worry about feeding them in residency


the only people that get let in are small asian girls



youre ridiculous

but also hilarious, i'll admit


i know

you're better off for knowing me



we'll see about that

and if youre business

enjoy your cubicle

which will eventually lead to an office


corner office


that will continue to have four walls and maybe a window for the rest of your career


with a hot secretary


and you can stew in your insanely individualistic lifestyle

where you follow a type of politics known only to the businessman

know as the "i dont really care what happens in the rest of the world as long as im making money and my stocks are doing well"


yea how did you know?

live in a gated community away from the riff raff

trophy wife

2.2 kids




well not literally 2.2 kids

its a statistic

but if i have a kid thats a midget

that is totally cool with me


oh dont worry, im referring to the gated community and trophy wife


i accept all people equall





what is wrong with a gated community and trophy wife

dont you want a trophy husband?


im glad you felt the need to assert that


or do you want to be a trophy wife?

thats prob the only reason you're going to med school

get your claws into some brain surgeon while he least suspects it


gated communities are a waste of money and were created so people could justify living in their own little bubbles of what they want life to be like

not if i get to be the surgeon first

and i want a husband with a brain


that you put in his head?

as a brain surgeon


which is not something i think of when i hear "trophy husband"


slowdown dr frankenstein




well regardless of the guy

i still think gated communities are bullshit




but thats just my opinion

i just told you

^^^^ up there



gates can keep minorities out

you've obvi never been to usc



lol i havent

but i hate that youre playing devils advocate with me

A Masturbation Joke Turns Into Full Blown Racism

Mar 8
Aaron is i think my shoulder is messd up for life... 10:57pm - Comment -

Dave at 11:05pm March 8
Looks like you'll be drinking more beer.

Aaron at 11:06pm March 8
Yea this is going to be a good ass week..

Michael at 11:14pm March 8
another masturbation related injury

Aaron S. at 11:15pm March 8
nah this one was totally this weekend messed me up

Jimmy H at 11:42pm March 8 via Facebook Mobile
Damn mike said it b4 i could

Dave R at 11:46pm March 8
I think it was the strikeout you had today Lapsley... A strikeout in SLOWpitch softball.


Aaron at 11:47pm March 8
I Know I Fail At Life Right Now...

Jimmy at 11:52pm March 8 via Facebook Mobile
Just right now?

Michael at 11:53pm March 8
Damn Jimmy said it b4 i could

Luke at 11:53pm March 8
Sounds like someone was giving you the dutch rudder so hard you popped your shoulder?

Aaron at 11:55pm March 8
yea I tried it yesterday messed it all up

Dave at 11:57pm March 8
Too bad you can't claim workman's comp.. since you need a job for that. haha

Aaron at 11:58pm March 8
ASSHOLE!!! Dude... haha

Luke at 11:58pm March 8
no but he can sue the person who gave him an overly intense dutch rudder. that's assault.

Dave at 11:58pm March 8
Hahaha I love you =)

Dave at 11:59pm March 8
Ever see "To Kill A Mockingbird" ??

The black man never wins in court.

Jimmy at 11:59pm March 8 via Facebook Mobile
Before or after i picked your drunkass up wandering around the gas station... And i totaly stole that bums beach cruzer wanta buy a bike ?

Aaron at 12:00am March 9
Yea Dude i saw that movie and read the book in like 10th Grade...

Jimmy at 12:00am March 9 via Facebook Mobile
Damn you all type to fast

Michael at 12:00am March 9
lapsley's too lazy to run away tho so we dont have to worry about him gettin all shot up by the white man

Luke at 12:02am March 9
this is too crazy 4 me. lol.

Luke at 12:02am March 9
lapsley. have a wonderful day. haha.

Jimmy at 12:03am March 9 via Facebook Mobile
Blacks dont die dave they grow up and with there shifty talk they turn the usa into socilism.. Dream big laps

Michael at 12:06am March 9
black people don't dream, but lapsley really isn't that black so who knows.

Jimmy at 12:13am March 9 via Facebook Mobile
One did, it didnt work out.. God im going to hell for that one

Jimmy at 12:14am March 9 via Facebook Mobile
Fuck whitie now i have redeamed myself

Michael at 12:15am March 9
man that was too easy

Jimmy at 12:18am March 9 via Facebook Mobile
You know me... If its easy..i ll hit it and if she is over six feat its all lapsleys

Aaron at 12:20am March 9
damn bitches why can't you just talk on each others wall...

Jimmy at 12:27am March 9 via Facebook Mobile
Hey you seen that infomercial for smooth away.. You think it will work on my ass?

Michael at 12:28am March 9
lets try lapsley's head first, im sure the curliness is about the same

Aaron at 12:30am March 9
Damn maybe i'll just use you curvy Jew Nose. for some things..

Michael at 12:31am March 9
pffft, whatevs, you know jimmy's nose is way bigger than mine

Aaron at 12:31am March 9
Ok I know that was fucked... but the thing about Black people having no dreams come on you know all they what to do is rap or be a pro athlete of some sort...

Aaron at 12:32am March 9
He nose is bigger...

Jimmy at 12:44am March 9 via Facebook Mobile
You guys suck

Michael at 12:45am March 9
someone can dish it out but can't take it

Aaron at 12:47am March 9
So Mike Looks like your having a good ol' time in that picture...


You don't need to punch a fat chick in the face; she's already been punched in the face by god.